25th Women Senior ACN 2022: Day 2 results!
novembre 10, 2022

25th Women Senior ACN 2022: Day 2 results!

Day 2 Angola vs Algeria 29:17 (13:5) Best player of the match: GUIALO ISABEL (number 90, ANG)   Egypt vs Congo 20:21 (9:11) Best player of the match: ZOUBABELA GRACE (number 13, CGO)   DR Congo vs CAP-VERT 27:19 (13:8)
10 Events Delegates trainees in Dakar
novembre 8, 2022

10 Events Delegates trainees in Dakar

On the sidelines of the 25th Women’s Senior Africa Nations Cup which will start on November 9, 2022 in Dakar, the CAHB organizes, in collaboration with the International Handball Federation, a training session for the CAHB officials called « Events delegates »